This group; however, managed to showcase their fruit ripeness without becoming over-sweet and my notes were filled with comments referring to their zestiness or tanginess which I found rather appealing. Hope you do too?
2023 Monte Christo Central Otago Pinot Gris

Rating: Very Good to Excellent
Nutty/cashew nut,
shifts to white
flowers, honeyed
notes, a wisp of pear.
The palate nicely
echoes the nose, a
sense of delicacy to
this, honey and pear
notes to the fore yet
this closes relatively
dry with a combo of
citrus and nuttiness
framing that finish.
With aeration, pear
builds on the nose
while the close adds
a refreshing
bittersweet quality.
2023 Quartz Reef Bendigo Pinot Gris

Rating: Excellent to Outstanding
Hits the savoury
notes out of the gate,
a minerally quality,
the fruit & fragrance
building as it opens
up, a musky aspect
later. A cooler feel,
bright & crisp in the
mouth, the fruit
swaying between
white peach &
stonefruits, retaining
that minerally quality,
once again fruit sweet
yet a tangy element
keeps this fresh.
Quiet complexity to
this, more serious.
2022 Astrolabe Sleepers Vineyard Kekerengu Coast Pinot Gris

Rating: Excellent
Nicely fruited, fruit
cordial and stonefruits
are joined by a
seasoning of spice,
quite expressive,
something between
mineral & Turkish
delight with time. The
palate adds pear to the
equation, a core of
minerality, a little citrus,
the long dry close
bringing lip-smacking
sapidity. Refinement,
the flavours hang in the
mouth, lemon peel
notes refresh the finish.
2023 Astrolabe Province Marlborough Pinot Gris

Rating: Excellent
Quite floral,
honeysuckle, pear, a
touch of dry honey. Rich
in the mouth, oily/
creamy, fat, super
richness & fruit
intensity, riffing between
pear & nectarine, spice
notes also in the mix.
For all its power it
remains surprisingly
light on its feet, some
real zestiness on the
long finish adding a lip-
smacking feel. With
aeration more grip,
nicely balanced,
drinking superbly.
2023 Trinity Hill Hawke’s Bay Pinot Gris

Rating: Very Good to Excellent
Dances between citrus
and white flowers, fruit
building, a nutty
undercurrent. The
palate continues the
theme, citrusy
qualities leading the
way, an engaging
bittersweet aspect
reminiscent of apricot
kernel melds with the
fruit on the dry finish.
There’s a real
tanginess here,
accentuating nectarine
notes. Dreaming of
chicken in a creamy
sauce to pair with this.
2023 Domain Road Defiance Bannockburn Pinot Gris

Rating: Excellent
Rather beguiling nose,
musk, flower petal,
rose, pear, hints of
apricot, quite complex.
A richness & generosity
to the palate, the fruit
bold & expressive,
contrasted by spice and
nutty elements, fruit
sweetness here but
closing just off-dry. Am
I seduced by the hint of
sweetness here,
possibly yes, but it is
equally complex and
interesting. Lots to