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Mount Aspiring College footballers prepare for their next game. PHOTOS: PETER MCINTOSH

Logan Park High School goalkeeper Maia Hamilton warms up for a football game.

Autumn Flanagan (Bayfield High School, left) tussles with Esther Koudayah, of Trinity Catholic College, during the secondary schoolgirls football tournament at Logan Park.

Otago Boys’ High School basketballer Tane Panirau looks for his shot while St Andrew’s College defender Will Turner hovers during the junior zone 4 tournament at the Edgar Centre.

Charlotte Watkins (St Hilda’s Collegiate) looks for a way past Ashburton College defender Mackenzie Goodfellow during the zone 4 basketball tournament at the Edgar Centre.

Fiordland College coach Dan Hermann runs through the plan with his football team.

Burnside High School ice hockey player Jack Barton (left) battles Sef Johnston, an Otago Boys’ student representing Mackenzie College, during the South Island secondary schools tournament at the Dunedin Ice Stadium.
Southern students are here, there and everywhere for the annual secondary schools winter tournament week. Otago Daily Times photographer Peter McIntosh captures some action from Dunedin events.