Skyline faces court over destructive Queenstown slip

Jasper Thompson, middle right, shovels debris into a wheelbarrow as residents of Reavers Lane,...
Jasper Thompson, middle right, shovels debris into a wheelbarrow as residents of Reavers Lane, Queenstown begin clearing up after heavy rains. Photo: RNZ

Queenstown Lakes District Council is prosecuting Skyline Enterprises Ltd and two other companies for activities that allegedly contributed to last year's destructive slip which sent mud and forestry slash into the Reavers Lane area.

The major slip happened on the Ben Lomond Reserve on September 22, during a flooding event which led to a state of emergency declared and dozens of homes evacuated in the resort.

Charges had been filed against three companies for alleged breaches of the Resource Management Act 1991, the council said in a statement.

The council did not name the companies but Skyline chief executive Geoff McDonald confirmed his firm was one of the three.

Following the slip Mr McDonald apologised for the distress caused.

This afternoon he confirmed Skyline was one of the companies being prosecuted, but did not know who the other two were.

‘‘We are disappointed to receive notification that Skyline are to be the subject of regulatory action as a result of weather-related incidents that occurred last year.’’

In September 2023, an unexpected and very significant weather event hit Queenstown, causing flooding and slips across the region, he said.

‘‘This rain event caused the movement of material on Bob’s Peak, adjacent to Skyline, in the vicinity of the Reavers alluvial fan.

‘‘Immediately following the incident last year, Skyline committed to supporting Queenstown Lakes District Council’s clean-up activities and have worked in association with council in the remediation of the slope below Skyline.

‘‘Skyline acknowledges the distress that the events have caused in the community.’’

He said Skyline, Queenstown Lakes District Council and other parties involved, continued to work in a way that ensured remedial works were expedited and completed for the benefit of the community.

The mudslide, which followed a logging operation below Skyline’s new gondola cableway on Bob's Peak, swept up logs stacked for removal and logs used as bunds for temporary forestry roads.

It also deposited timber and debris on to Queenstown’s historic cemetery and surrounds.

In July a search warrant was executed at Skyline under the RMA.

The defendants were due to appear in the Queenstown District Court on October 21, the council statement said.

As the matter is before Court, the Council will not be commenting further at this stage.


