However, you need to get this first stage under way for at least four weeks. No time to waste; get preserving!
They go great with sharp cheeses and, of course, a good curry.
Wash and sterilise a 1 litre jar or 2 smaller jars.
Mix the salt and sugar together in a bowl.
Cut the limes into about six wedges each.

Toss the limes in the salt and sugar mix.
Pack the jar with the limes and all the salt and sugar mix. Cover and leave out of direct sunlight for four weeks.
When the four weeks have passed, it is time to get the flavours packed into the limes.
Heat the oil in a pan, add the mustard seeds and wait for them to pop a little.
Add the remaining spices, stir to combine.
Add the limes with all their juices and the vinegar.
Cook for about five minutes so the flavours get a head start.
Cool slightly, then pack back into the jar, seal and store for another week or longer.
Once opened, store in the fridge for many months.