Lime and coconut snowball cookies

Photo: Simon Lambert
Photo: Simon Lambert
I am still relishing the fresh homegrown limes I have. The aroma and flavour of the limes add such a wonderful burst of flavour to these gorgeous coconut snowball cookies.

Makes 20

Prep time 30

Cooking time 15 min

Skill easy

40g desiccated coconut

140g unsalted butter, softened

90g icing sugar

¼ tsp salt

½ tsp vanilla extract

1 tsp lime zest

2 tsp lime juice

140g flour

Lime icing

1 cup icing sugar

1 lime, zest and 1 Tbsp lime juice

1 Tbsp milk (approx)


Cream the butter and sugar until creamy.

Add the vanilla, lime zest and juice.

Beat together.

Add the flour and beat to combine.

Chill in the fridge for 15 minutes.

Preheat the oven 170°C

Line two baking sheets with baking paper.

I measured about 1 Tbsp of dough per cookie. Roll into balls and allow 3cm between each.

Bake for about 15 minutes or until the cookies are lightly golden on the bottom and firm to the touch. Cool.

To make the icing, mix the icing sugar, lime zest, juice and milk together. Mix together well.

Dip the top of the cookies into the icing and allow to set before storing.