Visiting Auckland artist K M T P will perform at Maggies this Friday night. PHOTO: FRANCES CARTER
A recent recruit to the ranks of Auckland post-punk outfit Soft Bait, Keria Paterson (Te Arawa, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāi Tahu) puts on their K M T P hat for the solo show.
Ruling the airways with a set of emotionally punchy anthems from 2023’s debut album With Love, K M T P is working on their second album.
Before starting K M T P, Paterson spent the majority of their time behind the drum kit, performing in groups such as Polyester, Dirty Pixels and more recently Dead Famous People.
This Friday’s show, from 7.30pm at Maggies, in Lower Stuart St, will feature old hits and new treasures from K M T P, as well as an acoustic opening set by Pearly, whose self-titled debut EP was released in April.