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Participants hold a large-size Russian state flag during celebrations of National Flag Day, in Moscow, Russia. PHOTO: REUTERS

A farmer harvests a field of wheat with a combine harvester, in Rathangan, Ireland. PHOTO: REUTERS

A team of seaweed racers pushes their three-tonne seaweed bundles tied together, during an annual seaweed race at the Cruinniu na mBad (Gathering of the Boats) regatta, in Kinvara, Ireland. PHOTO: REUTERS

A demonstrator throws a flare during a protest against election law reforms, in Jakarta, Indonesia. PHOTO: REUTERS

Sea lions congregate at San Carlos Beach, while local authorities temporarily close the beach due to the large crowd of the marine mammals, in Monterey, California. PHOTO: REUTERS

A shooting party take part in the opening day of the grouse-shooting season, in the Lammermuir Hills near Gifford, Scotland. PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES

An orange full moon rises behind the Yellow Crane Tower, or Huanghelou, in Wuhan, China. PHOTO: VCG VIA GETTY IMAGES