Sights set on a veterinary practice

No looking back ... Iroshana ‘‘Shan’’ Kulathunga has no regrets about leaving his home country of...
No looking back ... Iroshana ‘‘Shan’’ Kulathunga has no regrets about leaving his home country of Sri Lanka to move to New Zealand. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
He's a qualified veterinarian in Sri Lanka and now Iroshana "Shan" Kulathunga is working towards becoming registered as a vet in New Zealand.

Passionate about the dairy industry, Shan and his wife Sachini are now permanent residents and are happily settled in Southland with their two young daughters.

After graduating from the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka, Shan spent his first year working as a vet and then got a job as the extension manager for a Fonterra dairy farm in Sri Lanka.

It was learning about the New Zealand dairy industry, along with a desire to upskill in the industry, that were the drivers behind him wanting to come to New Zealand.

In Sri Lanka, the industry was very small scale; 10 or 20 animals or even less was considered a medium-sized operation while one or two was small, and it produced about 40% of the country’s requirements.

In 2018, Shan immigrated to New Zealand and his wife and eldest daughter came the following year. Their second child was born in Southland.

It was not too difficult to acclimatise because he did come with a dairying background and knowledge. What did take some getting used to was the weather, having been used to temperatures of more than 30°C throughout the year.

Shan started as a dairy farm assistant and, over time, was promoted as a farm manager. 

He has been on the same Balfour farm since 2019 but had stepped back from being a manager to have more time for studying to reach his vet registration goal. 

His plan is to eventually start a veterinary practice.

The nomination said he was friendly and hardworking. 

He also had a strong knowledge about the dairy industry in New Zealand. 

He was very helpful, and shared his knowledge with others.

Shan said he loved the area and Southland and the family had embraced the Kiwi way of life. 

He and Sachini — who owns a small home-based cupcake business called Sprinkles — are respected members of the region’s Sri Lankan community.

Shan loves playing cricket in his spare time.